About Us

Hi! I'm Dhyey, CEO of vStory. I'm super passionate about helping people create great online presence. vStory is all about that. vStory Links, is first amongst many more products to come, under vStory.

Why we started with Links is, because we feel links people post online, is the most ignored part of their story online. But it's the first thing people see, before clicking it, to see your content. Also, to customize it, you need to be equiped with knowledge and skills of coding for web. Plus, links customization could be very time consuming. So, people simply ignore it.

With vStory Links we solve both the problems. Now, with just few clicks, you can have the link you want, in seconds!

Here's glimse of some of the upcoming vStory products:

  • vStory Pages
  • vStory Forms
  • vStory Converse
  • vStory Mail
  • vStory Reels
  • vStory Campaign

We are a small distributed team of talented people and are hiring! Do write to us, if you too, are passionate about creating such products for helping people to have an amazing online presence everywhere on the internet!